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Reviews of Puja's My Hope & Focus Organizer

“My Hope & Focus Organizer will be a tremendous help to cancer survivors at any stage of their journey. It will make the experience more manageable and less stressful as it provides clear steps to follow for making decisions, dealing with appointments, and keeping medical and financial records. There are so many things in life we can’t control that it is vital to recognize and manage the choices we can control: nutrition, physical fitness and keeping stress at a minimum. To that end, I share Puja Thomson’s comprehensive book After Shock: From Cancer Diagnosis to Healing with many of my patients to help support them. Now, the new My Hope & Focus Organizer makes it easier for them to maintain their own personal records, contacts and references, from detection through treatment. Seize the opportunity to live each day fully and use this handy tool to improve your quality of life and survivorship.”

~ Samira Yasmin Khera MS MD Breast Care Specialist, Kingston, NY

“By using this organizer you will gain clarity, feel relief, reduce stress, and be able to use your energy to focus productively on your healing.”

~ Sheldon Marc Feldman MD FACS Chief of Breast Surgery, New York Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center, Vivian L. Milstein Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

“My Hope & Focus Organizer is really wonderful; exceptional in fact! Puja Thomson so carefully crafted it, always sensitive to patients’ needs. It will be tremendously helpful, especially for a newly diagnosed person.”

~ Rev. Robin Lane LCSW Senior Dean, Second Year Students, One Spirit Interfaith     Seminary

“This practical companion lives up to its title. It is a priceless blueprint providing hope and focus as you track your way through the barrage of challenges that a cancer diagnosis brings.”

~ Janet Hand MA RN Founder, Pathways to Wellness and Senior Adjunct Faculty Adelphi University School of Nursing

“My Hope & Focus Organizer eliminates the stress of managing the many administrative as well as the emotional challenges that accompany a cancer diagnosis. I highly recommend it.”

~ Barbara Sarah LCSW Founder of the Benedictine Hospital Oncology Support Program

"All language is clear, as are directions for completion of forms, etc…If used as recommended, it should be very useful and helpful…Anyone diagnosed with a serious health problem could benefit from something like this. It’s very comprehensive.”

~ Reviewer from Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition (PABCC)