Memorials, Funerals & Times of Loss or Change

"Death ends a life, not a relationship." Create a ceremony to bring acceptance and peace following a deeply felt loss, such as the death of a loved one or a pet. painful endings, and leaving a long-time family home, or community. Celebrate moving into a new home, retirement and other achievements.

Memorial or Funeral
•    Respect your loved one’s wishes.
•    Give thanks for his/her life.
•    Celebrate his/her passing to Spirit.
•    Share meaningful memories.
•    Pray for comfort and healing.
•    Commit your loved one’s body to the earth.
•    Spread your beloved's ashes.

•    Honor how you have grown.
•    Enlist the support of friends.
•    Release the past and prepare for your future.
•    Honor shared responsibilities for your children.
•    Ask for forgiveness, if you're ready.

Rites of Passage
•    Celebrate transitions
•    Birthdays
•    Graduations
•    Career Change
•    Goal Completion


House Blessings
•    Transform a new living space into a home.
•    Give thanks for your new home.
•    Affirm that love is already present.
•    Clear any negativity.
•    Set new intentions.